Meetings & Events


Training & Certification Opportunities

July 19, 2025
Cunningham Brothers Auto Parts - Rustburg, VA

VARA is excited to offer our members a chance to send dismantlers to exclusive hybrid and high-voltage vehicle training on July 19, 2025, from 9 AM to 5 PM led by Salvage Wire expert Andy Latham. The training is WAMITAB accredited, and participants will receive a certificate upon passing the final test. Pre-registration is required.

If the hybrid and high-voltage certification doesn't apply to you, we're also offering Airbag Handling & Shipping Certification from 1:30 – 3:30pm led by Sara Hamidovic of VET Environmental.

Click here for more information and to register

Our Mission

The Virginia Automotive Recyclers Association is an organization created to be a voice and resource for auto recyclers in Virginia. Our members come from all over the state and represent a range of salvage yards big and small. Our goal is to develop Virginia as a productive place to recycle automobiles all while protecting its valuable natural resources.